
ProCogo XL - Affordable Software for Land Surveyors

ProCogo XL includes Coordinate Geometry, TOPO, DTM, Contour Mapping, Data Collection, Legal-Writer, Volumes and Plot as you go.

With ProCogo XL, you can do....

  • Survey control
  • Boundary surveys
  • Mortgage surveys
  • Topographical Surveys
  • Contouring
  • Construction stakeout
  • Subdivision design
  • Volume calculations
  • Legal descriptions
  • Subdivision layout
  • Locations, closures and more

Easy, straightforward surveying software. Includes coordinate geometry, CAD, data collection, and a legal description writer. Also available with contouring and volume calculations.

Includes a free copy of our RPN and Curve calculator software. Click to learn more


  • Easy to use Coordinate Geometry and survey calculations
  • Create legal descriptions from parcels in the drawing.
  • Create a Digital Terrain Model and then create and label contours from it (DTM version only)
  • Calculate volume of a spoil pile or borrow pit.
  • Import and process data collector files.
  • COGO points and line work are all stored in one single drawing. No need to link to external COGO files or databases.
  • Over 30 new line-types.
  • Alpha-numeric point names.
  • Bearing and distance recall.
  • Bearing and distance annotations including custom annotation configurations.
  • Pick COGO points right from the screen, or call them up by name.

  • Draw lines, arcs, tracts (polylines).
  • Draw text including paragraph text and text along an arc.
  • Create custom blocks (symbols) and share them with everyone else on your network.
  • Automatically subdivide a parcel into equal parts, or into specific sizes by area.
  • Automatically draw a deed from the text of a legal description.
  • Import aerials and scanned maps to draw over or use as a background or location map.
  • Import line-work from shape files.